Projects and Clients
Environmental aspects include due diligence and independent technical reviews; pre-feasibility and baseline studies; Environmental and Social Impact Assessments (ESIAs) and associated specialist impact studies; Environmental; Environmental Management Plans / Programmes (EMPs) and associated reporting including Environmental Awareness Plans, Emergency Preparedness and Response Plans and Closure and Rehabilitation Plans; compliance auditing and performance assessments. Social aspects include Social Impact Assessments (SIAs); public consultation processes; the compilation of Resettlement Action Plans (RAPs); Social and Labour Plans (SLPs); and Public Consultation and Disclosure Plans (PCDPs). Technical aspects include the technical review and design of mine waste facilities as well as geotechnical investigations.
We are further experienced with international best practice, most notably the Equator Principles, IFC Performance Standards, and World Bank Environmental, Health and Safety Guidelines.
The projects carried out since 2009 are summarised below. Additional project details are available upon request.
International Projects
Tri-K due diligence, Guinea
Review of environmental, social and legislative aspects
Review of the waste disposal discard disposal
Compilation of a Stage 2 Due Diligence report
Tri-K due diligence, Guinea
Review of environmental, social and legislative aspects
Review of the waste disposal discard disposal
Compilation of a Stage 2 Due Diligence report
Segilola Gold due diligence, Nigeria
Review of environmental, social, geochemical and tailings aspects
Compilation of a Stage 2 Due Diligence report
Nouvelle Gabon Manganese, Gabon
Review of environmental, social, geochemical and tailings aspects
Compilation of a Stage 1 high level report
Itasca Africa Lubambe Extension Project, Zambia
Review of environmental, social and legislative aspects for Pre-Feasibility Study
Compilation of an integrated environmental and social report
Araguaia Nickel Project, Brazil
Environmental and Social Baseline Report Pre-Feasibility Study (PFS)
Preliminary design of slag disposal facility for PFS
DFS level design of the slag disposal facility, earth embankment dam and water pipeline
DFS surface geotechnical investigation for the processing plant infrastructure, embankment dam and slag disposal facility
Ghaghoo Diamond Project, Botswana
Independent technical review of the environmental, social and permitting documentation according to the Equator Principles, IFC Performance Standards, and World Bank EHS Guidelines
Preparation of an Equator Principles Environmental and Social Action Plan (ESAP)
Liqhobong Diamond Mine, Lesotho
Independent technical review of the environmental and social aspects, permitting, water management and residue management - according to the Equator Principles, IFC Performance Standards, and World Bank EHS Guidelines
Koidu Diamond Project, Sierra Leone
Review of environmental, social, groundwater and tailings documentation for compliance with Equator Principles, IFC Performance Standards and EHS Guidelines
Maminskoye Gold Project, Central Urals, Russia
Environmental and social audit of the PFS
Lucunga and Cabinda Phosphate Projects, Angola
Social Impact Plan and Environmental Management Plan for Prospecting (Cabinda)
Environmental and Social Baseline Report and Environmental Impact Reporting during Definitive Feasibility Study as required in terms of Angolan legislation and for compliance with Equator Principles, IFC Performance Standards and EHS Guidelines
Kipoi Copper Mine, Democratic Republic of Congo
Review of Environmental, Social hydrological, heap leach and tailings of the Kipoi Central RDFS operations, Tiger Resources
Independent technical review of the environmental, social and permitting documentation according to the Equator Principles, IFC Performance Standards, and World Bank EHS Guidelines
Zanaga Iron Ore Project, Democratic Republic of Congo
Environmental and social section of the Order of Magnitude study
Lece Gold Mine, Serbia
Tailings retreatment project – tailings technical review and concept design work
Langer Heinrich Uranium Mine, Namibia
Independent technical review of the tailings storage facility and storage strategy
Maamba Coal Mine, Zambia
Independent technical review of the environmental, social, permitting, discard and water management according to the Equator Principles, IFC Performance Standards, and World Bank EHS Guidelines
Minas Moatize Coal Expansion Project, Mozambique
Independent technical review and due diligence of mine residue facilities (slurry and discard), water management, environmental and social aspects
Banro Twangiza Project, Democratic Republic of Congo
Independent technical review of the environmental, social, tailings and water management aspects according to the Equator Principles
Veduga Gold Project, Russia
Technical review of environmental and mine waste disposal aspects
Debswana Diamond Projects, Botswana
Peer Review of Environmental and Mine Waste aspects for Pre-Feasibility Studies (PFS)
Owere Gold Project, Ghana
Independent technical review of the environmental, social and permitting documentation
Kinsevere Copper Project, Democratic Republic of Congo
Review of tailings dam risks and opportunities for compliance with Equator Principles
Passendro Gold Project, Democratic Republic of Congo
Independent Peer Review of tailings storage facility
Banro Twangiza Project, Democratic Republic of Congo
Independent technical review of the environmental, social, tailings and water management aspects according to the Equator Principles
Salamanca Uranium Project, Spain
DFS design and engineering requirements of the barrier systems for in-pit and surface disposal of mine waste
Lindi Jumbo Graphite Project, Tanzania
Surface geotechnical investigation
PFS design and engineering requirements of a Tailings Storage Facility, Waste Rock Disposal Facility and Process Plant Infrastructure terracing and earthworks
Detailed design and engineering requirements a upstream type tailings storage facility
Ganajur Gold Project, India
FS design and engineering requirements of the Tailings Storage Facility
Geotechnical investigation for Tailings Storage Facility and Processing Plant Infrastructure
Hydrology, hydrogeology and geochemical classification and assessment of ore material, tailings and waste rock.
Cinovec Project, Czech Republic
PFS design and engineering requirements for the Waste Rock Disposal Facility, Process Plant Infrastructure terracing and earthworks
Chibuluma Copper Mine, Zambia
Independent review of the quantum for closure-related financial provision
Al Amar Tailings Storage Facility Design, Saudi Arabia
Feasibility level design aspects of a dry stacked polymetallic tailings storage facility in Saudi Arabia.
Tailings and Waste disposal aspects of Al Amar Tailings Retreatment Project
Detailed design of the liner system and contract documentation
Unki Platinum Slag Storage Facility, Zimbabwe
Surface Geotechnical investigation.
Detailed design for construction of a slag storage facility.
Caula Graphite Project, Mozambique
Site selection and scoping level design aspects of a tailings storage facility.
Olovo Terrace Design, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Geotechnical design of a terrace for a run-of-mine ore pad and access ramp.
Local Projects
Elsmore Luvuvhu Camp, Limpopo
External environmental control officer, construction EMP compliance auditing
Bacarac Trading 104, Buffelsdoorn Mine, North West
Social and Labour Plan
Scoping Report and Environmental Management Programme
Water Use Licence Application
Middelvlei Minerals, Middelvlei Mine, Gauteng
Waste Management Licence
Water Use Licence Application
CGERO, Van Dyk Prospecting Right, Gauteng
Prospecting Right Application
Environmental Authorisation process incl. BAR, EMP and closure plan
ERPM Extension Area 1, ERPM Ext 2 Mine, Gauteng
Waste Management Licence
Water Use Licence Application
Newshelf, Cons Modder Project, Gauteng
Social and Labour Plan
Water Use Licence Application
Gold One Africa, Ventersburg Project, Free State
Social and Labour Plan
Waste Management Licence
Water Use Licence Application
Atmospheric Emission Licence
Rietvlei Mine, Mpumalanga
Technical input on discard dump and dam design
Gold One International, Modder North Holfontein Project, Gauteng
Water Use Licence Application
Modikwa Platinum Mine, Mpumalanga
WULA compliance audit and action plan preparation
Coal of Africa, Vele Colliery, Limpopo
Independent technical review of the environmental, social, tailings and water management aspects according to the Equator Principles and IFC Performance Standards
Canyon Springs Coal Mine, Mpumalanga
Environmental Impact Assessment and Environmental Management Programme
Water Use Licence Application
High level assessment of potential bulk water supply options
External environmental control officer, construction EMP compliance auditing
Scheiding Chrome Mine, Limpopo
Water Use Licence Application
Gold One International, Modder East Operations, Gauteng
Original and amendment to theEIA and EMP
Basic Assessment for the Environmental Authorisation of a new return water dam
Water Use Licence Application and amendments thereto
Air Emissions License Application
Rehabilitation Strategy and Implementation Programme (RSIP)
Revision of Social and Labour Plan (SLP)
Equator Principles and IFC compliance review
Compilation of an Alien Invasive Vegetation Eradication Plan
African Exploration Mining Finance Corporation (AEMFC), T-Project Colliery, Mpumalanga
Environmental Impact Assessment and Environmental Management Programme
Water Use Licence Application
Closure and rehabilitation plan
Bulk water supply assessment
Equator Principles compliance review and gap analysis
Stakeholder Engagement Plan and Grievance Mechanism
Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan
Mbila Anthracite Mine, KwaZulu-Natal
Compilation of a Basic Assessment and Environmental Management Programme for the Environmental
Authorisation of the G-Block Underground Mining Activities
Amendment to the Water Use Licence
Compilation of an Environmental Impact Assessment and Environmental Management Programme for the opencast mining activities
Msebe Opencast Anthracite Mine, KwaZulu-Natal
Compilation of an Environmental Impact Assessment and Environmental Management Programme
Water Use Licence Application
Interwaste Gauteng, Mpumalanga, Northern- and Western Cape
Environmental compliance auditing at various landfill sites and depots
Water quality monitoring and reporting
Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality, Gauteng
Environmental compliance auditing at various landfill sites and transfer stations
Permit amendment application
Water quality monitoring and reporting
Tjate Platinum Mine, Limpopo
Environmental and social baseline report
Baseline Environmental Assessments and project management of the environmental inputs into the pre-feasibility study (PFS)
Update of the Social and Labour Plan
Site selection and preliminary design for tailings storage facility
Tharisa Platinum Mine, North West
Due diligence for independent technical engineers report (ITE), review of the environmental, social and tailings documentation and reporting on behalf of Snowden Mining Consultants and annual updates thereto
Anglo American Platinum Limited, Rustenburg Platinum Mines, Limpopo
The consolidation of existing approved EMPs and EMPRs and the alignment thereof with the requirements of the MPRDA
Kalagadi Manganese Mine, Northern Cape
Review of environmental documentation compiled for the mine, smelter and railway line, to determine compliance with Equator Principles and international best practice, on behalf of Standard Bank
Continental Coal Ltd, Vlakvarkfontein Colliery, Mpumalanga
Water Use Licence Application
Closure and rehabilitation plan
The technical design, 3D modelling and detailing of the conceptual backfill plan for an opencast pit
Compilation of an Alien Invasive Vegetation Eradication Plan
Amendment to the Social and Labour Plan
Basic Assessment and Environmental Management Programme for environmental authorisation of the haul/ access road and above ground diesel storage area
Anglo American Platinum, Amandelbult Chrome Recovery Plant, Limpopo
Compilation of an Basic Assessment and Environmental Management Programme required for Environmental Authorisation of the chrome recovery plant
Addendum to the existing Environmental Impact Assessment and Environmental Management Programme
KaNgwane Anthracite Mine, Mpumalanga
Compilation of an Environmental Impact Assessment and Environmental Management ProgrammeWater Use Licence Application
Closure and rehabilitation plan
ZYL Limited, Southern Anthracite Project, Mpumalanga
Compilation of an EIA and EMP
Anglo American Platinum, Dishaba Mine, Limpopo
Environmental Impact Assessment and Environmental Management Programme
Amendment to the Water Use Licence
Majuba Colliery, Mpumalanga
Closure and rehabilitation plan
Namaqualand Mines, Northern Cape
Independent technical review of the environmental, social and tailings aspects according to the Equator Principles and IFC Performance Standards
Koornfontein Mines, Mpumalanga
Environmental Impact Assessments and Environmental Management Programmes for the separate sections of the mining operations
Amendment to the EIA / EMP for the Leeuwfontein Block
Water Use Licence Applications for the separate sections of the mining operations
Identification of a suitable host area and conditions for resettlement and the compilation of the Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) and agreement on timeframes and responsibilities
Grass Valley Platinum Project, Limpopo
Update the environmental aspects in the pre-feasibility study (PFS) report
Lonmin PLC Western Platinum Mine, North West
Basic Assessment and Environmental Management Programme for the Environmental Authorisation of a hazardous waste storage facility
Waste Management Licence Application
Allanridge Gold Project, Free State
PFS design and engineering requirement for the Tailings Storage Facility and Waste Rock Disposal Facility
Haakdoorndrift Opencast Chrome Mine, Limpopo
Water Use Licence Application, including the design and engineering requirement for Mine Waste Disposal Facility and Pollution Control Facilities